The Company

ATChristie (ATC) is a „concept store” company operating in the area of strategic consultancy, communications and public relations.

The company is represented by renown experts in consulting, Public Affairs and Public Relations who have shaped and significantly influenced this particular market in Europe and Poland. Their professional experience, gained locally and abroad, in international, blue-chip companies, enables development of break-through concepts. ATChristie’s Consultants design solutions that surpass standard expectations, stimulate positive changes and create new perspectives for their clients.

ATChristie specializes in innovative methodology of incorporating various patterns and working solutions from different sectors, what guarantees the most effective and successful implementation of strategic programs.

Based on its long-term experience and international rapport, ATC cooperates with top-tier consultants and offices across Europe and United States, delivering, amongst others, change management strategies, repositioning corporate programs, unique restructuring and investment solutions as well as far reaching projects including financial services, education, and public policy. .